File |
Title |
1 |
Sun Has Swirling Polar Vortices, New Study Suggests |
2 |
New Species of Triassic Marine Reptile Discovered |
3 |
Researchers Recreate Mouse from Choanoflagellate Gene that
Predates Animals |
4 |
CERN Physicists Observe Top-Quark Pairs in Lead-Lead
Collisions |
5 |
Planets Can Form Even in Harsh Stellar Environments, New ALMA
Observations Suggest |
6 |
Physicists Shed Light on Precise Shape of Single Photon |
7 |
36,000-Year-Old Scimitar-Toothed Cat Cub Found in Yakutian
Permafrost |
8 |
Planetary Scientists Create Geological Map of Moon's Oriental
Basin |
9 |
Ediacaran Nematode-Like Worm Fossils Unearthed in Australia |
10 |
New DESI Observations Line Up with What Theory of General
Relativity Predicts |
11 |
Ethiopian Wolves Become First Large Carnivore Documented
Feeding on Nectar |
12 |
Astronomers Discover Youngest Transiting Exoplanet |
13 |
Archaeologists Discover Earliest-Known Alphabetic Writing |
14 |
VLTI Captures Detailed Image of Red Supergiant in Large
Magellanic Cloud |
15 |
Researchers Find New Way to Convert Carbon Dioxide into
Methane |
16 |
World's Largest Worm Lizard Lived 47 Million Years Ago |
17 |
Hubble and Webb Take Closer Look at Planetary Debris Disk
around Vega |
18 |
Scientists Publish Chromosome-Scale Reference Genome of Grass
Pea |
19 |
Fossil of Huge Terror Bird Found in Colombia |
20 |
Astronomers Spot Early Universe's Fastest-Feeding Black Hole |
21 |
Hubble Snaps Beautiful Image of NGC 1672 |
22 |
Paleolithic Rockshelter Discovered in Tajikistan: Soii Havzak |
23 |
VST Captures New Image of Dark Wolf Nebula |
24 |
Previously Unknown Species Sheds Light on Mechanism of
Radiotolerance in Tardigrades |
25 |
Study: Cylinder Seals and Sealing Practices Stimulated
Invention of Writing in Ancient South-West Asia |
26 |
New Oviraptorosaur Species Discovered in China |
27 |
Neuroscientists Identify 16 Neuronal Types Involved in Human
Sense of Touch |
28 |
Lion Cavern in Eswatini is World's Oldest Ochre Mine,
Archaeologists Say |
29 |
Scientists Investigate Inner Workings of DNA Methylation in
Plants |
30 |
Fast Radio Bursts Mostly Come from Massive Star-Forming
Galaxies |
31 |
Laser Mapping Reveals Previously Unknown Maya City with Stone
Pyramids in Mexico |
32 |
Ancient Coastline Spotted in Martian Utopia Region |
33 |
Planetary Researchers Examine Tidal Effects on Interiors of
Planets and Their Moons |
34 |
Several Denisovan Populations Introgressed into Modern Humans
Multiple Times: Study |
35 |
Hubble Spots Pair of Interacting Galaxies in Coma Cluster |
36 |
15,800-Year-Old Engraved Plaquettes Shed Light on Paleolithic
Fishing Techniques |
37 |
Voyager 2's Flyby of Uranus in 1986 was During Anomalous Solar
Event, New Study Suggests |
38 |
Physicists Find Evidence for Superfluidity in Low-Density
Neutron Matter |
39 |
Paleontologists Discover New Species of Ankylosaurid Dinosaur |
40 |
New Research Questions Standard Theory of How Galaxies Formed
in Early Universe |
41 |
Study: Chimps Perform Better on Challenging Computer Tasks
When They Have Audience |
42 |
Amber Discovered in Antarctica for the First Time |
43 |
New Species of Hermit Crab Discovered in Australia |
44 |
Earliest-Known Maya Salt Works Discovered in Belize |
45 |
Physicists Measure Nuclear Properties of Fermium |
46 |
New Species of Bioluminescent Sea Slug Discovered |
47 |
New Theoretical Model Calculates Chances of Intelligent Life
in Our Universe and Beyond |
48 |
Metabolic Compound Found to Regulate Appetite and Body Weight |
49 |
Mysterious Ultra-Massive Galaxies Spotted in Early Universe |
50 |
80-Million-Year-Old Enantiornithine Fossil Fills Gap between
Archaeopteryx and Modern Birds |
51 |
Under Right Conditions, Laser Beam Can Cast Shadow |
52 |
Minerals in Lafayette Meteorite Were Exposed to Martian Liquid
Water 742 Million Years Ago: Study |
53 |
12,000-Year-Old Spindle Whorls Unearthed in Israel |
54 |
Role Changing of Trilobite Body Parts |
55 |
Hubble Spies Peculiar Spiral Galaxy Edge-On |
56 |
Scientists Discover New Species of Gecko in Venezuela |
57 |
Jurassic Pterosaur Had Unusually Short, but Stiff and Pointed
Tail |
58 |
Hubble Space Telescope Looks at Flocculent Spiral: NGC 2090 |
59 |
World's Thinnest Spaghetti Created: Nanopasta |
60 |
Viking Expansion into North Atlantic Was More Complex than
Previously Thought |
61 |
Webb Captures New Image of Sombrero Galaxy |
62 |
New Pterosaur Species Discovered in Japan |
63 |
Recently-Discovered Active Asteroid is in Fact Main-Belt
Comet, Astronomers Say |
64 |
Triassic Amphibian Had Unique Adaptations for Seasonal
Estivation |
65 |
NASA to Search for Subsurface Oceans within Uranian Moons |
66 |
Do Crustaceans Feel Pain? Study Demonstrates Existence of
Nociceptive Responses in Shore Crabs |
67 |
Archaeologists May Have Discovered 2,100-Year-Old Temple in
Egypt |
68 |
Meteorite Provides Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity on
Ancient Mars |
69 |
NASA's Europa Clipper Spacecraft Deploying Its Instruments |
70 |
Fossilized Digestive Contents Shed Light on Rise of Dinosaurs |
71 |
Early North Americans Made Needles from Bones of Canids,
Felids and Hares, Archaeologists Say |
72 |
Astronomers Observe Transient Ultraviolet-Dark Polar Ovals on
Jupiter |
73 |
At Least Two Hominin Species Coexisted in Kenya 1.5 Million
Years Ago |
74 |
Drinking Plenty of Water Can Provide Number of Health
Benefits, New Review Says |
75 |
Astronomers Discover Ultrahot Neptune around TOI-3261 |
76 |
Study: Central Europe's First Farmers Lived in Equality 8,000
Years Ago |
77 |
Increases in Brain Size Occurred within Human Lineages
Comprising Single Species, New Study Reveals |
78 |
Hubble Space Telescope Captures Lopsided Spiral Galaxy |
79 |
Expanded Opportunities Attracted People to Trypillia Culture's
Mega-Settlements |
80 |
Astrophysicists to Search for Primordial Black Holes in
Planets, Asteroids and Materials on Earth |
81 |
Neanderthals Were First Collectors of Fossils, New Research
Suggests |
82 |
New Species of Fossil Armadillo Discovered in Brazil |
83 |
Physicists Map Out Quantum Entanglement in Protons |
84 |
Rare Whitefly and Psyllid Insect Fossils Found in New Zealand |
85 |
Astronomers Create Most Detailed Map of Gravitational Wave
Background to Date |
86 |
Astronomers Discover Fourth Exoplanet in Kepler-51 System |
87 |
65,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Hearth Structure Discovered in
Gibraltar |
88 |
Researchers Create Smallest Walking Robot Yet |
89 |
Astronomers Observe Starspots on Surface of Giant Star |
90 |
Newly-Discovered Gene Enhances Photosynthetic Efficiency and
Plant Productivity |
91 |
Study: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Water Has Similar
Molecular Signature to Earth's Water |
92 |
Clovis People's Diet Mainly Included Mammoths and Other Large
Mammals, New Study Says |
93 |
Researchers Demonstrate New Technique for Self-Assembling
Electronics |
94 |
Fossilized Teeth Highlight Theropod Dinosaur Diversity in
Prehistoric East Sussex |
95 |
Study: People with Higher Emotional Intelligence Use Emojis
More Frequently |
96 |
New Species of Archaic Human Proposed: Homo juluensis |
97 |
Increased Consumption of Dark, but Not Milk, Chocolate Reduces
Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study |
98 |
Hubble Space Telescope Revisits NGC 5643 |
99 |
Venus Has Never Been Habitable, New Study Suggests |
100 |
Dark Energy Camera Captures Stunning New Image of Messier 83 |
101 |
Webb Detects 138 Decameter Asteroids in Main Belt |
102 |
98-Million-Year-Old Ichthyosaur Fossil Uncovered in New
Zealand |
103 |
Hubble's OPAL Program Celebrates Decade of Tracking Solar
System's Giant Planets |
104 |
Drinking Sweetened Beverages Significantly Increases
Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Study Suggests |
105 |
Predatory Crustacean Species Discovered in Atacama Trench |
106 |
New Research Doubles Number of Known Dark Comets |
107 |
Traces of 10,000-Year-Old Rice Beer Found in China |
108 |
Astronomers Spot Magnetic Filaments in Accretion Disk around
Messier 77's Central Black Hole |
109 |
400-Million-Year-Old Fossils of Enigmatic Jawed Vertebrate
Unearthed in Australia |
110 |
New Study Sheds More Light on Evolution of Lepidosaurs |
111 |
Webb Validates Hubble's Distance Measurements |
112 |
New Research Provides Insights into Life in Neolithic
Trypillia Settlement |
113 |
Webb Discovers Actively Forming Low-Mass Galaxy in Early
Universe |
114 |
New Class of Magnetism Imaged for First Time: Altermagnetism |
115 |
Earliest Modern Human Genomes Decoded |
116 |
Jupiter's Moon Io Does Not Have Subsurface Magma Ocean, Study
Suggests |
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