File |
Title |
1 |
ChatGPT performs better than students on standardized creative
tests |
2 |
A Tropical Fruit with a Antimicrobial Effects |
3 |
Adverse Childhood Experiences Linked to Adult Psychiatric
Disorders |
4 |
A Genetic Mutation in One-Quarter of Labradors Triggers
Obesity |
5 |
Can the Microbiome Help Predict Immunotherapy Response? |
6 |
The Global Freshwater Cycle Has Been Significantly Disrupted |
7 |
The Efficacy of Acupuncture for PTSD in Combat Veterans |
8 |
Blood in Space: Exploring Forensic Science Beyond Earth |
9 |
A New Blood Test Could Make Diagnosing Fibromyalgia Much
Easier |
10 |
Can the Right Gut Bacteria Relieve Chronic Lung Disease? |
11 |
Titan's Atmosphere: Insights into Methane Chemistry and Beyond |
12 |
Blood Test Detects Sleep Deprivation with 99.2% Accuracy |
13 |
Does a Common Amino Acid Trigger Arthritis? |
14 |
Avian Flu Continues to Run Amok as It Reaches Antarctica |
15 |
Newly Discovered Thermoreceptor Responsible for Cold
Perception |
16 |
Europa Clipper's Golden Record: A Journey of Inspiration and
Discovery |
17 |
Mitigating cancer pain through exercise |
18 |
JWST Unveils the Earliest Galaxy Merger: Insights into Rapid
Star Formation |
19 |
Coral Crisis Solutions: Anemones Offer Key Insights for
Restoration Efforts |
20 |
Healthy Sleep Linked to Exercise |
21 |
Understanding How Epigenetic Traits are Inherited |
22 |
Unveiling Mars' Hidden Giant: The Discovery of the Noctis
Volcano |
23 |
Ultrasound Stickers can Shapeshift & ID Post-Surgical
Problems |
24 |
Association between Prostate Cancer, Elevated PSA and Raceq |
25 |
New Protein Found to Mediate Immune Cell Response |
26 |
Immune Cells 'Eat' Harmful Cholesterol to Combat Health Risk |
27 |
CBD Eases Anxiety without THC's Side Effect Risks |
28 |
Sweetened Drinks Linked to Atrial Fibrillation |
29 |
An Essential Role for Vitamin A in Wound Repair & Stem
Cell Function |
30 |
Enhancing VR Realism: RedirectedDoors+ System Breaks New
Ground |
31 |
Ecosystem Overhaul: Marine Heat Waves' Ripple Effects on West
Coast Wildlife |
32 |
Cannabis, Tobacco Linked to Lower Grades, More Absenteeism in
High Schoolers |
33 |
Cannabis Extract PHEC-66 Induces Cell Death Mechanism in
Melanoma |
34 |
Giant Sequoias are Enjoying Their 'New' Home in the UK |
35 |
SPARCI: Advancing Lunar Science with Ground-Penetrating Radar |
36 |
Francis Rynd: The Dublin Doctor whose Needle Advanced Medical
Care |
37 |
How Our Microbiomes Remain Stable or Change w Health &
Illness |
38 |
Blast-related Concussion Linked to Increased Alzheimer's Risk |
39 |
Cannabis Impact on Mental Health Less than Genetics &
Environment |
40 |
A Protective Gene Turns into a Neurodevelopmental Problem When
Mutated |
41 |
The Necessity of External Controls |
42 |
Sequences in the 'Dark Genome' Could be Used to Diagnose
Cancer Earlier |
43 |
Researchers warn "information overload" poses risks
to people and society |
44 |
Snake venom toxin leads to potential breakthrough in creating
a universal antivenom |
45 |
Breaking Digital Limits: Memristors Revolutionize Scientific
Computing |
46 |
MIND Diet Slows Aging, Reduces Dementia Risk |
47 |
Urban vs. Remote: Contrasting Wildlife Responses to Human
Presence |
48 |
Changes in Protein Folding Can Drive Evolution |
49 |
Dinosaur Tracks Show that Alaska was Once a Warm, Rainy Place |
50 |
DART Impact: Reshaping Dimorphos and Redefining Asteroid
Dynamics |
51 |
Dietary Thiamine and Cognitive Decline |
52 |
Temporal Organization of Human Gene Expression: Insights from
Microgravity Simulation |
53 |
Wireless Communication Breakthrough: Microchips the Size of
Salt Grains |
54 |
Some People Have a Sweat Protein that may Protect Against Lyme
Disease |
55 |
Experts are Concerned about Rising Drug-Resistant Fungal
Infections |
56 |
Are Fat Droplets a Cause of Alzheimer's? |
57 |
Thanks to Humans, Ants Have Totally Broken Their Geographic
Boundaries |
58 |
Consensus Guidelines for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Provided
by European Panel |
59 |
Non-Immune Brain Cells Found to Acquire Immune Memory |
60 |
Novel Treatment Found to Overcome Therapy-Resistant Leukemia |
61 |
Tracking Muscle Health in Space: A Breakthrough with Handheld
Device |
62 |
Time-restricted Eating Linked to Cardiovascular Death |
63 |
Love at First Sight: Gene helps butterflies select a mate |
64 |
Galaxy Explorers: High School Students Explore Exoplanet with
SETI Institute |
65 |
Licorice Raises Blood Pressure |
66 |
Cannabis Vaping Liquids Contain Nano-Sized Toxic Metal
Particles, Study Finds |
67 |
11% of 12th-Graders Report Using Delta-8-THC |
68 |
Harnessing Hemp: Empowering Native American Economies |
69 |
This Toxin Helps Candida Yeast Maintain a Competitive Edge in
the Gut |
70 |
Scientists Reveal the Neuronal Origins of Anorexia |
71 |
Keto Diet Prevents Alzheimer's-related Memory Loss in Mice |
72 |
Safety of Cell Transplantation for Older Patients has
Significantly Improved Over Time |
73 |
Scientists Create an Algae-Based Biodegradable Plastic |
74 |
Upending Assumptions About the Causes of a Bone Marrow
Disorder |
75 |
Exploring Extraterrestrial Oceans: Ice-Grains as Potential
Carriers of Life |
76 |
Hubble Spots Dwarf Spiral Galaxy in Coma Berenices |
77 |
Physicists Create Five New Isotopes of Thulium, Ytterbium and
Lutetium |
78 |
Study: Ancient Retroviruses Shaped Vertebrate Brains |
79 |
4,750-Year-Old Monumental Stone Plaza Discovered in Peru |
80 |
Paleontologists Discover New Stegosaur Species |
81 |
Astronomers Spot Hundreds of Massive Gas Clouds Escaping Milky
Way's Center |
82 |
New Species of Anaconda Discovered in Orinoco Basin |
83 |
Titan Most Likely Non-Habitable, Astrobiologists Say |
84 |
Physicists Synthesize New Isotopes of Osmium and Tungsten |
85 |
Kuiper Belt May Be Much Larger than Previously Estimated |
86 |
Astronomers Discover Most Luminous Quasar Ever Observed |
87 |
Breakdown Products of Excess Vitamin B3 May Contribute to
Cardiovascular Disease Risk |
88 |
Ornithologists Capture First-Ever Photos of Elusive
Yellow-Crested Helmetshrike |
89 |
Study: Sea Lamprey's Brain Development is Remarkably Similar
to that of Humans |
90 |
Neanderthals Created Stone Tools Held Together by Ochre-Based
Adhesives, Scientists Say |
91 |
Astronomers Detect Mega-Eruption from Supermassive Black Hole
in Distant Galaxy Cluster |
92 |
Two New Species of Native Mice Discovered in Australia |
93 |
Ancient Mars May Have Had Hydrothermal Systems |
94 |
Study: There Are More Temperate Exoplanets in Binary Stellar
Systems than Previously Known |
95 |
Webb Detects Emission from Neutron Star in Supernova 1987A
Remnant |
96 |
Dinocephalosaurus was Fully Marine Reptile and Even Gave Birth
at Sea, Paleontologists Say |
97 |
Hubble Focuses on Globular Cluster NGC 1841 |
98 |
Study: Butterfly and Moth Genomes Have Remained Largely Intact
through 250M Years of Evolution |
99 |
Radcliffe Wave is Oscillating, Astronomers Find |
100 |
Astronomers Discover New Moons around Uranus and Neptune |
101 |
Cretaceous-Period Armored Dinosaur Had Double Cheek Horns |
102 |
VLT Detects 'Metal Scar' on Surface of White Dwarf Star |
103 |
Webb Finds Surprisingly Massive Black Hole in Early Universe |
104 |
Miniature Cyprinid Fish Can Produce Sounds over 140 dB,
Ichthyologists Say |
105 |
Webb Snaps Breathtaking New Image of NGC 1559 |
106 |
Asteroid Moonlet Dimorphos May Have Been Reshaped Following
Impact from NASA's DART Mission |
107 |
ALMA Detects Water Vapor in Protoplanetary Disk around Young
Star |
108 |
Photons from Dwarf Galaxies Reionized Early Universe, New
Research Suggests |
109 |
UV Radiation from Massive Stars Shapes Nearby Planetary
Systems |
110 |
Astronomers Measure Heaviest Pair of Supermassive Black Holes
Ever Found |
111 |
Study: Most Sightings of UAPs Occur in American West |
112 |
Mars Express Spots Sand Dunes and Ice Layers at Martian North
Pole |
113 |
Giant Fossil Whale Perucetus Did Not Exceed Body Mass of
Today's Blue Whales: Study |
114 |
Hubble Space Telescope Spies Small Spiral Galaxy Edge-on |
115 |
Brain Waves Help Flush Waste Out of Brain During Sleep, Say
Neuroscientists |
116 |
Europa Produces Less Oxygen than Previously Thought |
117 |
Fossils of Giant Crab Unearthed in New Zealand |
118 |
Plant Scientists Shed Light on 125-Million-Year-Old Genetic
Mystery |
119 |
Webb Detects Pristine Helium Clump in GN-z11's Halo |
120 |
VLT Finds Protoplanetary Disks around 86 Young Stars |
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